Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fit At 40?

First, let's take a look at what all has gone on in The Asylum since August.

The horse left.
It got hottern hellfire in the Southland.
And I blew out my back in a BIG way.
Courtesy of my back injury, I stopped trimming most of my clients.

Which lead to.....

A really un-fit Mrs Mom.

We aren't talking "soft" here kids. We're talking, "OMG you are a COW" un-fit.

Knock on wood, my back has been OK.
The weather has cooled to wonderful temperatures, and it is not as humid.
I am slowly (painfully, because of my LACK of fitness,) attempting to trim a couple of horses here and there.
Still no horse, which was a GREAT motivator to get out and move more, clean paddock, ride- you know- all the fun horse stuff.

And today?
Today I got sick of being a Fat Cow.

Today, I grabbed the bull (no- wait-- I shook the fat rolls) by the horns and said, "DO SOMETHING!"

The kids and I jumped for ten minutes. Why stop? Well, for one, it felt like my legs were going ot fall slam off, and for two about the fifth time one of them wound up under my feet I figured it would be better to stop jumping ON them and find something else to do.

So. We pulled on our sneakers and hit the road. I was thinking we'd walk up and down the pavement as many times as I could, when Cub said, "Hey Mom! I know- let's walk on Papa's walking trail!"

Turns out it was an EXCELLENT idea. I'd guess what we covered was roughly 3/4 mile there, plus 1/4 on pavement. AND-- I walked it AND jogged some.

You know what? I have not jogged or run since I was a kid, before I discovered that A) it was a lot easier to lope a horse to where I wanted to be, and B) a flat out gallop was WAY more fun AND way faster.

No horse to gallop on. If I want to feel the wind in my hair, it is going to have to be wind I create.

There ya have it y'all. I have a shape-- and it is "round".

I have a desire- to not keel over when chasing after the kids.

Will I survive it? Only time will tell. But I am pleased at my recovery time thus far. I'm counting on my muscle memory to help get my old ass back into shape too.

Please muscles, don't have CRS now........

I want to say a heart felt thank you to a special friend- she is the biggest impulsion for me to get up and moving again, and I bet she didn't even know it. Oregon Sunshine, thank you. You've no idea what you've started- now let's keep it going together, girl!! xoxo


Anonymous said...

I cannot ride today. My thighs are still hurting and I have scheduled myself to run again today. I have to pick one, and running it is. Running doesn't involve Bad Pants being around for "just in case" since I'm a bit of a Nervous Nelly for my first couple of rides on the horses.

But, I have a plan for that too! I just deleted most of this comment. I'll use it as a post later.

Much love!


GunDiva said...

Great. Now you're going to be fabulous when you come visit and I'm gonna still be round. Next time, let me in on it a little earlier, will you?

Sherry Sikstrom said...

I know the "round is a shape "theory. Congrats on the workout.I hope your back keeps getting better.I have fought weight forever and continue to do so , maybe soon I will win

Mrs. Mom said...

OS- OK- I'll let you run instead of ride. Whats the plan for the ride though???? SPILL IT woman!!

Diva, it's only two weeks. As my loving husband pointed out, two weeks will not work miracles and drop me down to a size 12. I'll just be able to outrun the dude next to me as we escape any bears is all ;)

Fernvalley--- I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Your horses are simply amazing. THANK YOU for posting so many wonderful pictures of them! Keep on keeping on girl. We're all overly familiar with this weight thing, so know you are not alone!!

Anonymous said...

30 minutes of running at a 12mph pace (which is slow, btw and I'm not even there yet!) burns 530 calories. In two weeks, if you say, run 3x a week, and you monitor your calories in consumption (this does not mean super diet), you could potentially lose a pants size. Keeping that amount of loss up would not last. It would happen from the initial shock and kick-start (and water loss!) your body was experiencing before it adjusted. It's why people on the Biggest Loser lose so much weight the first week.

I will "spill it", but can I finish today's school with Dude first, please? We are working slower because he's taking unit tests up the wazoo today and I'm hiding that fact from him so he doesn't stress and blow it.