Monday, May 30, 2011


No, that's not the amount of weight I've lost since my last post or weigh in. Rather, it's the weight of the dumbbells I'm working out with now. Instead of buying a set of 8# weights, we bought a pair of selectable weight dumbbells. We bought them 10 days ago, and since the weight adjustments are 3#, 6#, 9.5#, and 12.5#, I worked out with them for 3 days at 6#. Today, because I wasn't reaching muscle exhaustion, I decided to just try them at 9.5#. Know what? It was just right!

As for my weigh in, the scale hasn't budged in 2 weeks. I'm trying not to stress about it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My First Curves Measure Day...

So, some of you may have heard about my measure day at Curves on my other blog but I thought I would share it here as well. It went very well, not crazy exciting like I dropped 20 lbs. or anything like that but just good, solid progress.

I dropped 2 lbs, I lost a quarter inch from my arms and my quads and the best part of all... I lost 2 INCHES from my belly! My belly is a MAJOR issue, 3 weeks prior I had a lady ask me if I pregnant. Now if that isn't a kick in the pants, nothing is. I've been able to tighten my belt an extra hole and my shirts fit way better around my middle section. It feels good to put on a shirt and not see the "tight around the belly" look.

Yesterday at work I had on an outfit that I thought looked stellar. It was flattering, my belly wasn't a distraction and I actually looked taller and leaner than I have in a long, long time! It felt AMAZING! And, all I am doing is modifying my diet slightly and going to the gym 3 days a week!

I'm hoping to keep up the progress!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 18

I meant to blog about this earlier in the week,but as of Day 14, I've lost 4 lbs and 3" of my waist (2.5") and hips (.5")! Bad Pants has lost 8 lbs and a whole pants size! Men! Go figure!

In addition to working out, today I washed the dogs, which is a workout on it's own! On Tuesday, I also cleaned our master bedroom, unpacked 15 boxes and got us more organized. Now that we've decided to stay, I'm making up for the lack of any cleaning/unpacking/doing we've been neglecting. Plus, I'm tired of living out of boxes! (We'll be getting dressers this weekend).

I'm finding that my workouts are getting easier and yet more intense. Often, I'm pushing myself to the point of wanting to throw up. I can do 3 sets of 10 push ups now, instead of the original 3 sets of 5, which were a struggle. I've increased my weights from 3 lbs to 5 lbs and will be increasing again next week. At this rate, I'm hoping that I'll be ready to move onto the next level of Power 90 soon!

I'm going to sit on my laurels, eat my Clif bar and enjoy McLeod's Daughters for a bit. I think I've earned it, don't you?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Go Figure...

Have I bothered to tell you guys that I have no rear? I mean, it's flat. No, really, it's F.L.A.T. I often have trouble keeping my pants up sort of flat.

Anyways, with all this working out I'm doing, I've unofficially lost 4 lbs this past week. Unofficially I say, because tomorrow is the official weigh in day. But, perhaps the scale will deceive me and say I gained instead of losing. I suppose that it will depend on what time of day I officially weigh in.

With that unofficial weight loss, I also lost 1/2" off my hips. Not my waist, my hips. My rear is melting off of me. I am really, really not pleased by this. I'm puzzled as to how I will keep my pants on if this trend continues. A belt won't help. It will just slide on down too!

So, there you have it. I have no ass and I'm losing my ass. What's a girl to do?